Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Mock Up #2

This is my second rendition of a horror poster idea. Although I prefer it to my first experimentation, I am still able to find many flaws in it. The person does not look 'dead' enough and I could have made her skin look more grotesque and rotting through use of cracks and scratches. I think the images are lacking in the sense that they do not reveal much about the plot and narrative. The poster needs to tell a story and draw the audience in by use of enigma codes. I could improve this poster by using images which are more revealing towards the context of the 'curse' itself. The typography looks disjointed from the overall image because the colours are too shocking against the dark, murky colour scheme. I also think the wording of the tagline lets the poster down. Original images are below.

Mock Up #1

We were given the task of creating two different mock up's for our horror poster. My first idea revolved around the discourse of blood and the undead. All images used are my own images and I used the editing site, Pixlr, to add different effects and filters. I was not happy with my choice of images because I feel it does not fit the narrative and the connection between a curse and a window is rather vague. I should have made the images more revelant to the storyline and this is something I will work on for my final piece.

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Typography for Horror Campaign

Typography experimentation:

I created a list of potential names for my horror film including:

  • The Psychotic
  • The Slaughterhouse
  • The Warehouse
  • The Uninvited
  • The Curse
  • The Damned
  • The Undead
I then proceeded to ask a range of people as to which title they preferred; the most popular titles resulted to be The Slaughterhouse, The Uninvited, The Damned and The Curse. I chose these four titles to experiment with by creating my own unique typographies using the editing site Pixlr.

Sunday, 28 October 2012

Horror Poster: The Asylum.

Here is my final piece for the Horror poster creation task. I used the Glamour Glow filter and added props such as the rusty saw and blood splatters. I kept this design very minimal as my previous attempts were extremely busy and crowded looking. The empty, white hospital room looks far more effective and eerie. I tried to make it appear like there is a protective glass screen from which we are separated/looking into a psychotic ward. I think this concept was made more realistic by adding the blood splats. I put the title 'The Asylum' against a black background to make it more eye catching and I am very pleased with how the final product turned out. I like how the only colour is the red blood.

A collection of found images used:

Horror Poster Trial #2

Another experiment.Tampered a lot with the brightness, contrast and burn tool. I created my own font. Slightly happier with the look of this one.

A collection of found images used:

Typography created using pixlr: